Acetone Safety

Using Acetone Safely

Also called propanone, acetone is  naturally occurring or synthetically created ketone is widely used in many industries, including manufacturing, chemistry, health and beauty products, and even as a food additive.

Acetone is safe to use in the home when basic safety guidelines are followed.  In addition to the guidelines below you should always  consult and follow product labels for specific safety instruction. 

Acetone Safety Guidelines

Avoid Open Flame & Sparks
Acetone is a highly flammable and volatile substance that can ignite at room temperature, so never use it near fire or anything that can create a spark.

Proper Storage
Also, ensure that acetone is stored in cool, well-ventilated areas away from direct sunlight and heat sources. 

Proper Ventilation
Be sure to always work in a well-ventilated area and use respiratory protection equipment such as gas masks whenever possible.

Always Wear Personal Protective Equipment
Other personal protective equipment such as non-nitrile gloves as well as eye and face protection is also highly advised because skin and eye exposure can cause mild to severe irritation.

Consult Product Safety Information
Always read and follow the specific product safety instructions that came with your specific product.